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System of getting projects and why the government organizations are unable to get the projects ?

In India most of the research work and development works are carried out by the government agencies. Its a large framework of these organizations. The groups of Labs in the field of Agriculture and Forestry are ICAR, ICFRE, KVK, CSIR, Agricultural Universities etc. They have a very large infrastructure of labs and Research Workers. They  are capable of doing world class research works. But due to lack of funds all this system is unutilized and the Research gets frustrated.

They do not get adequate research projects. Basic problem is the lack of funds. The system of the labs are such that they are not able to advertise their capabilities to get the attention of the  funding agencies. The main problem in getting the projects are -

  • They are not able to advertise their capabilities

  • Lack of information as they are not well connected through Internet or any other contact system. Neither they have any system of advertising nor any Public Relations Officer.

  • Lack of funds and poor performance of Management.

  • NGOs and other Private agencies work less but they are able to reach to the funding agencies and convince them or by any means get the projects.

  • The internal politics between the organizations or in the system.

  • Lack of funds inside India

  • They are not able to bribe the funding agency's personnel

  • They are not able to attract other agencies across the world

These problems makes the lab deprived of the projects. If the projects and funds are available then we Indians are capable of doing world class research works. This technology will make our country independent of the research demands of our country.


Lab to Land Concept

There are so many new techniques available to make out the maximum use of our land. But most of the research work is not able to reach to the farmers and growers. There are very few publications  which actually reach to the farmers. Places like Jharkhand, Orissa, WB, Bihar do not have proper electricity supply. They are not even able to see "Krishi Darshan". In this regard we have to send the technology from "LAB TO LAND". This can only take us to the 2nd Green Revolution in India.

Story of Indian Bureaucrat

In the modern world a Engineering graduate or other science graduate leaves his subject. Usually takes history, political science or public administration. Prepares for 2- 4 years. faces failures and than gets selected in IAS or IFS or IPS. Then he is trained for the management. He takes dowry of 15-40 Lakhs (Ist price of his career) to get married. Than he is posted at the place where in today's world technical expertise is needed. But he only knows how to say "No" and than "yes" for Money (bribe).

How he can manage a organization if he is a Graduate of History or left his science subject. Can a graduate level personnel manage a superspeciality world. THEY ONLY MISMANAGE.

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