Professional Experience
/ Expertise
* Experience of Modern Nursery Management for Trees
* Forest Nursery Technology, Poplar based Agroforestry
* Good knowledge of designing and maintenance of all types
of Forest Nursery & Hardening of plants raised from Cuttings, Tissue
Culture etc.
* Experience in designing and developing Plantations using
Silvicultural Practices.
* Knowledge of Compost,
FYM, Vermicompost & Biofertilizer production.
Research Interests
Silviculture, Agroforestry,
Model Nursery Management, Macro Propagation and Composting.
Additional Expertise
Photography (Landscape, Macro
Website designing, PPT
Computer hardware and
Automobile and maintenance.
Research Paper Published (Two)
Das P.K. and Anupam, 2006. Effect of Potting Media, IBA
concentration and size of Hykopot on vegetative propagation of
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. under Agronet shed environment ; Proceedings
of National Seminar on Recent Advances in Forest Science, 30-31 January,
2006, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, India.
Anupam, Prabhakar Kr & Basant Kr, 2008, Performance of
different clones of Poplar in Vaishali Distt of Bihar ; Proceedings of
National Seminar on Forest and Environment in India: Contemporary issues
and Challenges, 18-19 February, 2008, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur,
Articles/Reports Published (Two)
Jha Prabhakar, Anupam & Akhtar S, 2007. Forestry
Extension Strategy for the Project – “Samudai Aadharit Samanvit Van
Prabandhan Evam Sanrakshan Yojana of Bihar State”: Proceedings of Regional
workshop on Adaptable Forestry Extension Strategy. 23 March, 2007,
Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi, India.
Anand Premjit and Anupam, 2007. Management of Bamboo
resources and their value addition with special reference to Vaishali
District in Bihar. Proceedings of National Seminar on Conservation &
Management of Bamboo Resources. 29-30 November, 2007, Institute of Forest
Productivity, Ranchi, India.
Last Updated - November'2016